Departure Time: |
Please Check This Website The Morning Of To See The Status Of This Hike In Regards To The Weather.
Trip cancelation ion notices will be emailed to the list and posted at the top of this page and the main page of the hike website at approximately 1 hour before departure time. Be sure to refresh your browser window in order to get the updated information.
Updated 1-9-07
The long range weather forecast calls for the weather on Saturday the 13th to be partly cloudy with the temps around 58-60. That would probably make the temps on the trail be about 55 or so. Please watch the weather forecast later in the week for any changes. If we must cancel Jeremy will post a notice on the hike group website and send out an email around 8am on Saturday morning. (Remember you may need to refresh your browser window to view an update to the website).
The time line we will work around will be as sent out last week. Here it is again with details. As always, allow for any needed changes and please be flexible.
9:00 am - Gainesville folks meet at Quillian's Corner (corner of Hwy 129 and Hwy 52) to carpool (if you plan on riding with anyone, you must let Jeremy know so we can be sure there are enough vehicles available). If you are driving your own car and want to meet with the carpoolers at Quillians Corner to follow us to the state park, be there at 9:00 am. (We park in the Chevron PetroFast lot near the pizza shop.)
10:30 am (or so) - gather at Moccasin Creek State Park and since we have so many cars going, we may have to park down near the lake. A parking fee per car may be applied so carry $1 bills to put in envelopes (probably $3 fee). Check your gear and use restrooms (if available or open). Fill out an ICE (In Case of Emergency) card if you wish to participate in our emergency ICE program.
11:00 am (or so) - gather at Jeremy's truck for roll call, safety briefing, and announcements. We will begin the hike from that point.
12:30 am - break at the falls
2:30 pm - projected time of return to the parking area
First .5 of hike, is the front half of the nature trail, then it is about 1 mile to the falls area. We will explore this area and relax for a short time. Be sure to carry your camera. We will return to the nature trail and to the back half of the trail back to the state park.
You may turn around and return to the state park at any time you desire. If you leave the trail, be sure to let someone know you are headed back to the parking area. If you leave the parking area, be sure to leave a note on Jeremy's truck and let us know you have let the parking lot area. We cannot leave the trail nor the parking lot until we have everyone accounted for - ahead or behind.
Walk at your own pace! The mustangs will be leading the pack and I usually bring up the rear with the clydesdales. Try to walk with someone when possible and try to stay in sight or sound of the main group which means the lead hikers may need to slow or stop to let the rear hikers catch up. This is a good reason to carry a whistle on you at all times. Lead hikers should stop at all trail intersections to let everyone gather before moving forward.
If you need a potty break while on the trail, just let someone know you are leaving the trail for a few moments and have that person wait nearby until you return. If you should feel ill or become weak while hiking, let Jeremy or Marsha know immediately. Do not push yourself forward on the trail under adverse conditions. One of us will work with you to maintain your safety. If you have any medical concerns that need to be known, be certain a hiking partner or Jeremy/Marsha know about any issues that could require immediate attention.
This is a rather short, and easy to moderate hike and while at the falls area, you will have time to either snack or enjoy a lunch. Be sure to carry something to sit on as the ground will be damp or wet. After we return to the parking lot, those who desire are welcome to go to the Batesville General Store for a late lunch of burgers and such. If you are carpooling, be sure to check with your driver and know what their plans call for after the hike. Carpoolers should share the cost of fuel when returning to their base location.
If you have any questions regarding the logistics for this hike, please contact Marsha Conner. If you are signing up to hike or have transportation issues, contact Jeremy Landers. More info on our hiking plans can be found at:
Marsha: Email (770-297-7686) or (678-570-6600)
Jeremy: Email or (770-861-8175 Cell)
Notes: |
Updated 1-8-07
We currently have a good group of approximately 12 + people signed up to go.
Original Post
The Grace Church hiking group will be hiking on Saturday,
January 13, 2007. The January hike will begin at the
Moccasin Creek State Park at Lake Burton and will be
an "out and back" hike to Hemlock Falls. The total distance
will be about 4 miles and is an easy to moderate hike.
If you would like to participate on this hike, make your
reservations with Jeremy Landers by Thursday, January 11th
for planning purposes. This will be a midday hike but
will require a full day for the hike and travel. More details
can be found at the hiking group web site:
A time line will be provided about 3 days prior to the
hike when the weather forecast is available for that date.
In February, the hike will be on Saturday, February 10th and
will be on part of the AT. Look for information on that hike soon.