Grace Episcopal Church Hike Group Requirements For Persons Under 18 Years Of Age.
The hike group welcomes persons of all ages & encourages parents to share the outdoors with their children and thier friends. In order to hike with the GEC Hike Group, persons under age 18 must meet the following requirements.
a. 11-17 must hike with a legal parent or guardian who is over the age of 18. Persons not accompanied by a legal parent or guardian must be accompanied by a person over the age of 18 who is responsible for them and must complete an Authorization for Medical Treatment and Liability Release and Indemnification Agreement form for each person under 18 years of age.
Please contact Jeremy Landers to obtain these forms prior to the day of hiking. Two copies of the forms must be signed by a legal parent or guardian. One for the church records and one for the individual responsible for the youth to carry during the hike. These forms must be presented on the day of the hike. If the forms are not presented the youth in question will not be allowed to hike.
b. Below 11 years will be determined on a case by case basis with the event planner, but each child must be physically capable of carrying their own backpack and supplies and following directions of the parent and event planner. Additionally persons under 11 yeas of age must be accompained by a legal parent or guardian who is over the age of 18.
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