Trail Finder:

Welcome to the Grace Episcopal Church, Gainesville, Ga. Hike Group Website.

The Grace Church Hike Group is a sub-group of Parish Life & Involvement and provides an opportunity for the enjoyment of numerous outdoor events and activities. While our primary activity is hiking, you may also enjoy participation in camping, backpacking, water and paddling excursions, training in special outdoor activities such as overnight backpacking, touring outdoor historical sites, visiting festivals and conferences related to outdoor education.

Annual events such as the spring Outdoor Adventure Trip, the summer picnic at Vogel State Park, and the fall trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park are group favorites. A calendar of planned events is available for distribution within the parish body annually.

We offer several events each year that do not require any hiking and are suitable for those who can't take part in our regular hikes. Many of our camping trips also offer nearby accommodations in cabins, lodges, motels, etc.

Please be sure to read the Participation Guidelines prior to hiking with the group!

The mission of the Hike Group is to appreciate, value, and respect the relationship of our outdoors with our faith for a positive impact in our lives.

As in the past, our 2015 - 2016 season of hikes will take place monthly* with a few exceptions. We alternate between a Recreational Hike and an Appalachian Trail Hike as we have done the last few years. We continue to offer the popular option of camping as a part of our hikes as the location allows.

Due to ongoing internet service provider connectivity issues I am not currently able to easily update the domain or the "Hike Schedule" page of the GEC Hike Group Website. The site currently includes years 2013 and previous in the archives. I hope this issue will eventually be resolved.

Until this issue is resolved hike information will be announced by email.

Changes were made to the website several years ago to improve our safety when hiking. Webpages with current & future hike details are now in a password protected section of the website. After hikes are completed they are moved to the hike "Archives Page", a public section of the site. If you would like access to the secure area please click here and fill out the requested information or contact Jeremy Landers.
The hike group is open to all parishioners and their friends for the purpose of sharing fellowship while appreciating the beauty of the outdoors and sharing in recreational activities. If you wish to take part please contact Jeremy Landers or Marsha Conner for more information on hiking with the group.

We hope you will join us on our next trail adventure!

Jeremy R. Landers
Co Chair

*Subject to change as needed! Please check the schedule for the most current information.

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This Site Hosted By:
Jeremy R. Landers
Landers Photographic Arts

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Last Modified: Saturday, July 25, 2015